Lightlife Smart Patties Review

The new Lightlife brand Smart Patties are the best. The Best! I cannot get enough of them. I'm torn as to whether they're too processed or not. The ingredients seem pretty tame. But the taste is the bomb.

They are definitely expensive as far as I'm concerned. $5.50 for 4 patties in my neighborhood. Sadly for me, I'm willing to overpay because I love the taste so much. That frozen stuff ain't got nothing on the fresh varieties.

I've had both styles. The black bean and the quinoa. I think that I like the quinoa one slightly better. Which is surprising because I love black beans.

The first time I bit into one it took me back to my childhood and eating salisbury steak. Which was awesome.

The second time around it was like eating my mom's meatloaf as a kid, only not dry like my mom's meatloaf always was.

I don't even eat these things in sandwich form. I've contemplated using them in that application, but have yet to actually do so. I like how they taste so much so that I eat them straight up. Entirely plain. No bread. No condiments. I don't want to mask any of the flavor. I just break up with a fork and dig right in.

This has not been a paid endorsement. I have not been compensated in any way. It's just my honest opinion.


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