Surviving the Storm (Hurrican Sandy)

I haven't been eating vegan or even vegetarian since hurricane Sandy struck the Jersey shore. Well, I did for the first few days afterward, but quickly became discouraged. I suddenly felt so small and ineffectual. It's strange though. Because I still eat vegan and vegetarian foods and often go days eating that way. I still love my tofurkey cold cuts and hummus and bean sandwiches.

But I have no problem eating soup with chicken in it. I don't usually go out of my way to find meat, but the sad fact is, a lot of time those foods are cheaper or easier to come by. And since I lost my job a couple weeks after, cheap is a big priority. I'm not willing at this time to pay more money to eat vegetarian soup over chicken soup. If I had the funds, maybe... I don't know for sure.

I also learned that I'm pretty cranky when I don't eat at least eggs and cheese. I was getting my B12 without it, but it totally affected my mood. I wasn't willing to admit it originally. Was in complete denial. It's bizarre, because I didn't have cravings. I wasn't lusting for cheeseburgers or anything like that. I was at least on the surface of my mind satisfied with my food intake. Yet, I would fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. Actually, even without any sometimes.

I am opposed to the cruel treatment of food animals. For this there is no doubt. But I'm just not sure I feel responsible for it anymore or that I can make a difference in abstensia.

The way I look at the world changed entirely since hurricane Sandy. It's hard to feel passionate about anything other than my own and my family's survival.


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