
The funniest thing about being vegetarian is that omnivores think it's hard. I don't know why. It's much easier not eating meat. Not washing my hands a thousand times. Not switching spatulas throughout the cooking process. Not decontimating the cutting board. And it costs so much less.

See you can't let yourself be fooled by overpriced faux meat products. They are not neccessary. They are conveneint. And some can taste prety good, but thye are by no means repsentative of the average cost of a meat free diet. As with any convenience food they are grossly overpriced.

The appeal that dead animal flesh has for people escpaes me. I just don't get it. I ate it for years and hate it the entire time. It's just disgusting and unclean and full of bacteria and diseases. It's so much easier to just drink some B12 fortified almond milk and sprinkle a little nutritional yeast on your sandwich.

The meat people eat doesn't make any sense at all anyway. Why do people eat lamb. But they don't eat horse. Why do they eat duck. But they don't eat puppy. There's no logic to it at all.

Duckies. Why do people eat the cute duckies. What kind a human being eats a duckie. Is there any cuter, sweeter animal on Earth than the duckie.


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